Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Further to my post on this subject. We can add name of Swami Dayanand also. 

Take care.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


 Further to my post about feeding pigeons,  I have given up on advice from our daughter and my wife. As they feel why should we face bad relations. 

My wife has found a place in the park nearby where there are lots of pigeons and other birds. So now I can feed them there. 

Take care

Friday, July 19, 2024


 There is lots of news about saints or holymen recently.


I firmly believe that a saint or holy man who has property and bank balance worth crores is not a saint or holy man but business man.


Original Sai Baba and Sikh Gurus are example of Holy men.


Take care   

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 I feed pigeons and other birds four times a day. Recently a man whom I do not even know told me not to feed them as they are disease carriers. I did not say anything to him but wondered about it. Is disease not spread by any other means including humans?


Take care